Bonifacio Gil: Himno del instituto de Badajoz

Versión completada y arreglada por Jerónimo Gordillo. Obra publicada gracias a una iniciativa de Ángel Zamoro y el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Badajoz.


Para voz y piano.

Código fuente

El documento de LilyPond.

Paquete completo

Todo en un archivo ZIP.


Creative Commons BY-SA

My work as a copyist is freely available in an open format, and the LilyPond program itself is Free Software. As far as I'm concerned, you can download both the source code and the rendered PDFs, or generate these from the former, for your own personal use.

What is LilyPond?

Know more about this tool for creating beautiful music scores

Go to official site


About this page

Coming soon is a poorly maintained, unofficial blog about LilyPond in Spanish language.